Open Innovation Challenge by Acció
The Health Revolution Congress will host once again the Open Innovation Challenge, powered by BHH partner ACCIÓ. This iniative aims to help large companies to find solutions to their innovation needs and challenges, as well as to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies in the healthcare sector.
Essential Medicines Supply (Challenge 1) Antibiotic Management (Challenge 2)
Digestive health in women
AI fin pharma
Motor in Movement Disorders
Cardiac monitoring (Challenge 1) Menopause (Challenge 2)
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
Mental health
Adherence to treatment
Epilepsy Care (Challenge 1) Breastfeeding (Challenge 2)
Clinical Documentation
Data Optimization
Social isolation
Essential Medicines Supply (Challenge 1) Antibiotic Management (Challenge 2)

Challenge 1
Universal Access: Overcoming Challenges in Supplying Essential Medicines
Challenge 2
Empowering Clinicians and Customers in Antibiotic Management with digital solutions
Person in Charge
Marta Herrero
Director Innovation & Portfolio at Reig Jofre
Digestive health in women

Digital solution for integral digestive health management in women
Person in Charge
Judit Cubedo
Chief Innovation Officer at Lainco
AI fin pharma

Knowledge by therapeutic area and identification of opportunities with AI for the pharmaceutical industry
Knowledge by therapeutic area and identification of opportunities with AI for the pharmaceutical industry In the pharmaceutical industry, the discovery and development of new drugs is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of various therapeutic areas and market needs. With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), significant opportunities have been created to improve this process by analysing large volumes of data, identifying patterns and generating knowledge.
The main objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive AI platform that allows Gebro Pharma to generate knowledge both for the development of new medicines and for the creation of innovative digital services. This platform will integrate advanced data analytics, predictive models and natural language processing to provide insights.
The system will use natural language processing and machine learning techniques to analyse a wide range of information sources, such as scientific publications, medical databases, clinical trial reports, pharmaceutical patents and drug sales data.
Person in Charge
Ricard Castellet
Head of Digital Transformation at Laboratorio Gebro Pharma
Motor in Movement Disorders

Assessment of motor features in Movement Disorders using inertial sensors
Movement Disorders such as Parkinson´s disease present with important challenges in both diagnostic, follow-up and stratification of disease severity. We are looking for objective metrics that can evaluate and track motor symptoms in these diseases and facilitate complex clinical decisions related to advanced therapies such as deep brain stimulation (DBS). One candidate is the use of inertial sensors to identify and track motor symptoms via wearable devices. Currently, the public health system employs no objective metrics for these symptoms and relies on clinical instruments, such as the Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), with inherent biases due to the subjective nature of the evaluations. Furthermore, in the field of advanced therapies, an increasing number of data sources are being proposed as viable biomarkers, such as local field potentials -LFPs- or electroencephalography -EEG-. Having objective metrics regarding clinical examinations that could be correlated to these signals could prove key to improve patient care. We are looking for an IT solution that would allow: – An easy correlation of sensor metrics to established clinical scores, so these evaluations can be useful for neurologists in a clinical setting. In Parkinson´s disease, these solutions should have approximate scores related to the UPDRS scores, for instance. – Easy access to raw data in a research setting, so information from the sensors can be easily related to other metrics, such as LFPs or EEG
Person in Charge
Julia García Cornet
Consultant in the area of Strategic Impulse and Transformation of the Oficina Més Sant Pau at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Cardiac monitoring (Challenge 1) Menopause (Challenge 2)

Challenge 1
Remote cardiac monitoring for early identification and prediction of cardiovascular problems, relapses and exacerbations
We are looking for solutions focused on remote cardiac monitoring for early identification and prediction of cardiovascular problems, relapses, and exacerbations.
The challenge scope includes myocardium infarct, arrythmias, heart failure, and peripheral vascular problems.
In terms of the characteristics of the solution, we look for:
– High maturity solutions (ready for market entry)
– Digital solutions, ideally without the need of hardware or alternatively, that integrate devices that are already in the market
– Solutions that use AI algorithms
– Proved evidence
Challenge 2
Digital Therapeutics (DTx) for menopause
We are looking for a solution that can provide a digital therapy to women going through the menopause. This digital therapy should be based on Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and offer personalized CBT plans to handle symptoms like psychological distress, flushes, physical change, urogenital issues, and insomnia. Apart from the CBT-based therapy, we look for a solution that also has informative content for the user.
In terms of the characteristics of the solution, we look for:
– High maturity solutions (ready for market entry)
– Digital solutions, ideally without the need of hardware or alternatively, that integrate devices that are already in the market
– Proven evidence
Person in Charge
Judit Faus i Garriga
Innovation Project Manager at DKV Innolab
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Visualization into Electronic Health Records and customized Cardiovascular Education Through Digital Innovation.
We are seeking a technological innovation “challenge 1” that enables instant visualization of the total cardiovascular risk based upon inputs collected in the patient´s EHR. The solution should integrate a cardiovascular risk assessment tool that activates upon accessing to patient’s EHR, displaying the risk level through a (color-coded) notification system. The solution should extract and analyze existing patient data from the EHR without requiring additional input from healthcare professionals. This innovation should allow for the stratification of the patients based on their personalized risk profile.
As a next step and based on the most updated and relevant guidelines, we are interested in:
a) Empowering patients by making them active participants in their own care through the provision of tailored educational content “Challenge 2”. This includes, for instance, offering personalized online information or recommendations on their expected next steps, hosting webinars focused on specific topics, and providing chatbots for enquiries, among others. This solution should integrate seamlessly with existing digital health platforms provided by the different regional health services.
b) Supporting physicians in achieving greater efficiency by enabling screening or monitoring actions tailored to the patient’s profile. For instance, automating follow-up tests within 4-6 weeks after discharge following a cardiovascular event.
Specific Objectives:
1) Develop a Visual CV risk Notification System: Implement an intuitive (color-based) system to assess and indicate the total cardiovascular risk levels, through inputs collected automatically from the EHR interface.
2) Develop a digital solution that provides personalized educational content based on a patient’s cardiovascular risk assessment, accessible through regional health service digital platforms.
Person in Charge
Goretti Saumell i Puig
Value, Access & Policy at AMGEN
Mental health

Digital solutions for mental health treatment
Introducing digital solutions into the mental health treatment The aim of the project is to create a digital platform connected to several digital devices (forms, questionnaires, apps, chatbots…) in order to obtain real data in real time from the patients to be able to monitor their daily situation (both physical and emotional). It is mandatory that the digital platform is capable of managing high volumes of data and report them in a structured way so, it can be read and managed by healthcare professionals.
The following devices should be connected to this digital platform:
– Digital solutions (access to tele therapies, pot casts, videos…) for patients with low / moderate risk of mental health disorders in order to accelerate their recovery
– Monitoring solutions that capture key information such as physical activity, geolocalization, social interactions, pharmaceutical follow up, among others for patients with high risk of mental health disorders in order to anticipate relapse episodes or self-harm attempts.
Person in Charge
Enrique Arroyo
Operations and Projects Director for Mental Health at Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí
Adherence to treatment

Enhancing patients’ adherence to treatment in a virtual world
Lack of adherence to medical treatments is a crucial driver of increased patient morbidity and mortality, with estimates indicating that between 20% and 50% (Pérez-Joval et al. 2019) of patients do not follow their medical prescriptions properly. This challenge is compounded by the fact that approximately 70% (Ortega et al., 2018) of non-adherence cases result from deliberate patient choice, highlighting the need to address this problem globally, especially among individuals with chronic diseases.
Adherence is defined as the congruence between the patient’s behavior and the medical recommendations received (Hernández et al., 2020). The World Health Organisation (WHO) specifies it as aligning patient behavior concerning medication, diet, or lifestyle changes with health professionals’ suggestions. Non-adherence not only reduces the effectiveness of treatment but also leads to high additional costs due to hospitalizations for avoidable complications; medication switches to more potent drugs with higher risks of side effects and lower overall treatment efficacy.
Multiple factors contribute to adherence issues, including misperceptions about disease severity, financial and logistical barriers, and a lack of confidence or understanding of the proposed treatment. In response to this, the development of strategies that promote adherence, mainly through the use of technology, becomes imperative.
Analysis of the literature reveals different approaches to improve adherence, such as behavioral interventions, educational and social support, as well as strategies targeting health professionals. In addition, health empowerment is highlighted as crucial, focusing on improving individuals’ knowledge and skills to manage their health.
In conclusion, we propose the challenge of creating some strategies or digital solutions to be incorporated into our telemedicine platform to increase patient adherence to treatments with the aim of improving patients’ health outcomes and indirectly increasing healthcare system efficiency.
Person in Charge
José María Ruiz
Managing Director at Doole Health
Epilepsy Care (Challenge 1) Breastfeeding (Challenge 2)

Challenge 1
Transforming Epilepsy Care Through Digital Health
Challenge 2
Digital solution to support mothers during breastfeeding
Person in Charge
Gemma Malla
Head of Digital Medicines Iberia at Angelini Pharma
Clinical Documentation

Revolutionizing Healthcare: the AI path to enhanced Clinical Documentation
Scientific evidence reveals that healthcare professionals dedicate only 15% of their time to direct value activities for the patient, those for which the patient seeks assistance at the hospital. These value activities are overshadowed by 55% of the time spent on tasks that do not add value and 30% on auxiliary tasks. This situation highlights the need to optimize internal processes and time management within the hospital environment.
In this context, a significant opportunity for innovation is recognized through the implementation of advanced technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence. This technology can play a key role in reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and other low-value-added activities. Automating these tasks would not only improve the efficiency of the healthcare staff but also allow for greater focus on direct patient care, where true value is created.
A prominent challenge where technology can offer substantial benefits to the hospital is in the automatic generation of reports using data from patients’ medical histories. Given that the hospital handles both structured and unstructured information, there emerges a pressing need to implement an advanced tool that can efficiently merge this data to create a variety of reports, including second opinion reports and summaries of medical histories.
This challenge calls for the expertise of companies in the technology field to develop solutions that not only streamline the operations of healthcare professionals but also enhance the quality of patient care by automatically generating the various types of reports that healthcare professionals need (second opinion report, clinical life report) by taking information from the medical history.
Person in Charge
Anna Sala Cunill
Head of Innovation at Hospital Vall d’ Hebron
Data Optimization

Data Optimization: Precision Risk Prediction & Wellness Plan
At Mutual Médica, we are exploring a solution to automate the assessment of each policyholder’s risk, using both our accumulated history over the past years and other possible external sources of information that can provide relevant insights and enhance the accuracy of the analysis. The solution must be capable of automatically establishing or providing information to operationally establish differentiated risk levels to streamline both the processing of new policyholders and the management of benefits. Additionally, we aim to leverage this process to provide added value to our customers by materializing all this data into a personalized wellness plan, offering recommendations to improve their well-being and health, and increasing their healthy longevity through precise recommendations.
Person in Charge
Andrea Frontons
Dir. Marketing at Mutual Médica
Social isolation

New home care solutions to prevent social isolation
Social isolation is an increasingly universal challenge, specially affecting the 65-plus population. As an organization focused on preventing and improving people’s health and well-being, Althaia is seeking to implement smart home technologies to fight this problem. These technologies should:
-Be easy to implement at home.
-Be tailored to each person’s needs.
-Include tracking results.
Target solutions include:
-Sensors and Smart Home devices for monitoring and detecting changes in people’s behavior patterns that may evidence a risk of social isolation.
-Digital therapies and cognitive stimulation technologies. For instance, tools allowing the implementation of personalized cognitive care at home or humanized virtual assistants/portals.
– AR/VR/MX/IA technologies to improve people’s mental health. For instance, by boosting social interactions among people with reduced mobility, thus contributing to their autonomy and quality of life. These technologies could also be used to create a favorable environment to carry out mental health therapies.
Person in Charge
Bartomeu Ayala
Head of Training and Professional Development

Challenge 1
Transforming Epilepsy Care Through Digital Health
We are therefore excited to announce the launch of our Open Innovation Challenge: “Transforming epilepsy care through digital health.”
This challenge seeks to attract pioneering ideas and technologies that push the boundaries of what is currently possible in epilepsy. We invite start-ups, researchers, technologists and innovators to participate and share solutions for one or more of the following objectives:
1) Seizure detection: New methods for accurately and rapidly detecting seizures as they occur, using technologies such as wearable devices, machine learning, or other biosensors
2) Seizure prognosis: Solutions that can predict the likelihood of a seizure may lead to new proactive seizure management.
3) Patient empowerment: Digital tools or platforms that empower epilepsy patients to better manage their condition, including medication monitoring, lifestyle management, and personalized care planning
4) Data-driven insights: Technology that harnesses the power of data analytics to gain deeper insights into epilepsy, potentially leading to new treatment strategies or improvements in the care of individual patients
5) Communities and Support: Projects that use digital platforms to connect individuals with epilepsy, carers and healthcare professionals, enhance supportive communities and increase access to information and services.
The challenge is open to all forms of digital health solutions, whether it’s an app, device, software, or a completely new technology concept. Entries will be evaluated based on their innovation, impact, scalability, feasibility, and the clarity of their implementation plan.
Challenge 2
Digital solution to support mothers during breastfeeding
We are therefore pleased to announce the launch of our Open Innovation Challenge: “Create a breastfeeding support app for mothers”. This challenge aims to improve the quality of life of breastfeeding mothers through a digital application.
1) Breastfeeding monitoring: Breastfeeding monitoring with the aim of knowing how long and how often mothers breastfeed, offering a correct follow-up. – The application should allow for a record of breastfeeding sessions, which could include the time and duration of each breastfeeding session. – The app could analyse the recorded data to provide information on the baby’s feeding pattern, including how many times a day the baby feeds, the average duration of each breastfeeding session and how much time has passed between each session. – The app could allow mothers to set reminders for breastfeeding sessions, which would help them maintain a regular feeding schedule for the baby.
2) Prediction of nutritional needs: Depending on the mother’s stage of breastfeeding, the app should predict the mother’s nutritional needs, enabling proactive management of infant feeding and development.
3) Maternal empowerment: The app will provide personalised breastfeeding information, specialist advice and medication reminders, empowering mothers to make informed decisions and better manage their health and that of their baby.
4) Analytics for optimal breastfeeding: Implementation of a feature that uses the device’s camera to provide mothers with visual guidance on how to breastfeed their babies correctly. This feature will allow mothers to see in real time whether they are properly positioning the baby for effective breastfeeding, helping to correct possible mistakes and improve breastfeeding technique.
5) Virtual community support: To provide breastfeeding mothers with quick and reliable access to scientific advice on breastfeeding through a virtual assistant, in order to promote a successful and satisfying breastfeeding experience for mother and child.
-Provide Reliable Scientific Information: Integrate an artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant that is backed by a database of up-to-date and verified scientific information on breastfeeding and related topics.
-Instantly Resolve Doubts: Enable mothers to ask questions and receive instant answers on a wide range of breastfeeding-related topics, such as breastfeeding techniques, common problems, infant nutrition and more.
The competition is open specifically to a phone application, but other creative proposals focused on the same objective, as mentioned above, will be considered. Proposals will be judged on innovation, impact, scalability, feasibility and clarity of the implementation plan.
Person in Charge
Gemma Malla
Head of Digital Medicines Iberia at Angelini Pharma