Interview with Software Development Hub

The upcoming Health Revolution Congress on May 16th is the largest European Summit in Digital Health, where global startups & stakeholders join forces in Barcelona. The event, organized by Barcelona Health Hub and powered by Fundació Privada de l’Hospital de la Sant Creu i Sant Pau, will take place against the stunning backdrop of the Recinto Modernista. Here you’ll dive into the latest tech, pioneering innovations and of course lots of networking opportunities.

One of the companies you can meet at the Health Revolution Congress is Software Development Hub (SDH IT GmbH). It’s a one-stop custom software development and digital transformation company that helps partners build high-performance software solutions. With over 100 highly skilled specialists on the board, they build custom software, web, and mobile applications, providing maximum flexibility to deliver innovative solutions for projects of any complexity.

Today you’ll meet Vasyl Kuchma of Software Development Hub, who will share with us more about their expectations for the Health Revolution Congress.

Vasyl, we’re looking forward to seeing you at the Health Revolution Congress. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about Software Development Hub?

I’m Vasyl Kuchma, the Chief Executive Officer at SDH IT GmbH, and it’s a pleasure to be part of the Health Revolution Congress. Software Development Hub, headquartered in Germany, is a one-stop custom software development company. We help product teams and startups achieve their objectives through digital transformation and sustainable innovations.

How does Software Development Hub ensure flexibility to meet the very diverse needs of its clients in healthcare?

At Software Development Hub, flexibility is ingrained in our approach through close communication with clients, prioritizing their needs. We combine this personalized attention with innovative solutions, crafting customized web and mobile apps, scalable MVPs, and feature-rich products tailored to the healthcare sector. Specializing in digital health solutions, we offer comprehensive software development services, driving the adoption of digital solutions for healthcare providers and organizations worldwide.

Can you give examples of how your 18 years of experience helped you solve technical problems for clients in Digital Health, Education, and other industries?

Drawing on 18 years of expertise, SDH has consistently tackled technical challenges across various sectors. In Digital Health, our Diabetic Self-Monitoring App, DiaHero™, showcases our ability to simplify diabetes management, resulting in a 70% reduction in dietary errors. Patient Web Portal, Medcard24™, demonstrates our proficiency in creating user-friendly platforms for healthcare access, boasting 120K monthly visitors and over 1K hourly bookings. Furthermore, our Learning Management System is a prime example of our commitment to education. This AI-driven cloud application focuses on teaching children English phonetics, word creation, and reading, catering to 257K students, 14K teachers, and 2.5K schools.

Lots of new developments are happening every day. How do you stay ahead of the curve?

To stay ahead of the curve, continuous learning and research are necessary. We actively monitor industry trends, participate in conferences and workshops, and engage in knowledge-sharing within our team. We can anticipate our clients’ future needs by staying informed about the latest technological advancements and industry best practices and proactively offering innovative solutions.

Could you provide an example of one of your successful collaborations in digital health? And what do you think that the key to success was?

One notable collaboration in digital health involved the development in pioneering the development of the inaugural cloud-based medical information system, encompassing comprehensive primary care, hospital management, and patient administration. I’m very proud of it! Consider the magnitude of our impact: with over 25.2 million patients integrated into our system and more than 50,000 physicians empowered with cutting-edge technology, we’ve elevated the standard of care delivery significantly. This wasn’t merely the creation of a digital tool; it marked a revolutionary milestone in Ukraine healthcare with 40 million people.

What tips and tricks could you give to technological companies in terms of the development of software solutions?

For technological companies developing software solutions, I would recommend prioritizing customer-centricity, embracing agile methodologies, fostering a culture of innovation, and investing in continuous learning and development. Additionally, establishing strong partnerships and staying abreast of emerging technologies can greatly contribute to success in the competitive landscape.

What are your plans for future growth at Software Development Hub? What’s on the horizon?

At the Software Development Hub, we have ambitious plans for future growth. We are committed to harnessing the potential and power of AI models and testing different options across various projects to enhance efficiency and innovation and address pressing needs, particularly in times of crisis. The ongoing war in Ukraine, where I was born, as well as the ever-present threats of floods, fires, and emergencies in general, underscore the critical importance of being prepared for unpredictable situations. During these challenging times, we’re driven to develop projects to provide essential assistance when conventional resources are unavailable. Currently, we’re actively working in our R&D department on a solution that could offer the capability to ensure access to critical medical information and guidance during emergencies, regardless of internet connectivity. As a result, we envision the MVP of the service to be a significant step forward in addressing emergency health needs.

Barcelona Health Hub is thrilled to have you at this largest European congress in digital health. Why did you decide to join the Health Revolution Congress?

We joined the Health Revolution Congress because such events bring new ideas, innovations, and transformational projects. This event provides an excellent platform for networking, sharing insights, and exploring opportunities to collaborate with other industry leaders and innovators. We are excited to contribute our expertise and learn from the digital health enthusiasts gathered here.

Don’t miss Software Development Hub at the Health Revolution Congress on May 16th! Be sure to reserve your seat and meet with global startups & stakeholders in Barcelona.

Get your ticket!